Публикационная активность. Наука

Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
The Russia’s road infrastructure: opportunities of innovative transformations Доклады Комиссарова В.В.
The Most Ancient Ceramics: The Course of Technological Innovation Anthropology & Archaeology of Eurasia Статьи Жущиховская И.С.
The legislation of the PRC on regulation of foreign direct investments Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Малиновські читання» Доклады Алексеенко А.П.
The Freedom of Contract Principle in Contract Law of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China: Brief Comparison Статьи Варавенко В.Е.
Teaching "Home Reading" to Adult English Languаge Learners ДВФУ (Программа и тезисы международной конференции),1- 4 ноября 2012 FEELTA Доклады Котенко С.Н.
Strategic thinking in the context of the future designer psychology professional demand Scientific and Methodological e-magazine Доклады Чернявская В.С.
Тунык А.В.
Поливанов И.И.
Software development rapid synthesis of nonlinear robust adaptive control systems of complex dynamic objects Швейная промышленность Статьи Любимов Е.В.
Russian Federation in the Asian-Pacific region: national interests and the threats to national security in 21st century Политические и экономические процессы на российском дальнем Востоке: азиатско-тихоокеанский контекст Доклады Гарусова Л.Н.
Russian and English View on Lies in Conflict Dialogues (Analysis of Conflict Acts of Communication in Russian and English Fiction) "The 18th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS-2012 Annual Convention)" Доклады Леонтьева Т.И.
Russian and English View on Lies in Conflict Dialogue - Analysis of Conflict Communication Acts in Russian and English Fiction Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Статьи Леонтьева Т.И.
Review: Oregon Archaeology, by C. Melvin Aikens, Thomas J. Connolly, and Dennis L. Jenkins. Oregon State University Press, 2011, 512 pp. North American Archaeologist Статьи Жущиховская И.С.
Process Automation or Intelligent Automation. Modeling’s wear by agregatirovaniya Shenyang University of Chemical Technology Статьи Данилова О.Н.
PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS FOR ECOTOURISM IN PRIMORYE International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research Статьи Потехина Е.С.
Prior research to planning of advertising activities of russian companies on the Asia-pacific market Nanotechnology Статьи Кметь Е.Б.
Ordered Mn-diluted Au/Si(111) reconstruction Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.