Публикационная активность
Название | Журнал | Вид материала | Авторы | Год издания |
THE PROBLEM OF RECYCLING OF POLYMER CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING IN THE PRIMORSKY TERRITORY | Business & Economic Partnersyip of SMEs (small & medium Sized Enterprises) In the Countries | Доклады |
Степулёва Л.Ф. |
2011 |
The communication system of CDMA | Proceeding of 2011' Sino-Russian Conference on Information Technology | Доклады |
Гряник В.Н. |
2011 |
The basic preconditions of import of replacement of production of shoe manufacture | Business&Economic Partnership of SMEs (Small& Medium Sized Enterprises) In the Asian Countries | Доклады |
Стукун В.П. |
2011 |
Structural transformation in (AU,In)/Si(111) system and their effect on surface conductivity | Surface Science | Статьи |
Зотов А.В. |
2011 |
Strategic Competition in Healthcare Information Services: An Economic Analysis | Статьи |
Юров К.М. |
2011 | |
Some results of a pilot study of the problem of child abuse in Germany and Russia | Сборник материалов научного семинара стипендиатов программ «Михаил Ломоносов II» «Иммануил Кант II» | Доклады |
Ильченко О.Ю. |
2011 |
Russia in the Northeast Asia: national interests and the threats to national security (SNEAS) in 21st century | Symposium on Northeast Asian Security 2011. Denuclearisation and Security Stability in the Asia-Pagific Region | Доклады |
Гарусова Л.Н. |
2011 |
Research forms of the example apartment building in Vladivostok | Business&Economic Partnership of SMEs (Small& Medium Sized Enterprises) In the Asian Countries | Доклады |
Худякова С.К. |
2011 |
Remote Control Device for Technical Management of Office Equipment | Proceeding of 2011' Sino-Russian Conference on Information Technology | Доклады |
Гряник В.Н. Болвачёв Е.А. |
2011 |
Potential investment attractivvenes as a basis for inproving competitiveness | 2011 Proceedings of the 9 th Int " I Joint Conference "Business & Economic Partnership of SMEs (Small & Mediann Sized Enterprises) in the Azian Countries | Доклады |
Флик Е.Г. Кузьмичева И.А. |
2011 |
Potential investment attractivvenes as a basis for inproving competitiveness | 2011 Proceedings of the 9 th Int " I Joint Conference "Business & Economic Partnership of SMEs (Small & Mediann Sized Enterprises) in the Azian Countries" | Доклады |
Флик Е.Г. Кузьмичева И.А. |
2011 |
Optimal Cu buffer layer thickness for growing epitaxial Co overlayers on Si(111)77 | Journal of Applied Physics | Статьи |
Зотов А.В. |
2011 |
Nationalism in Primorsky Kray (Национализм в Приморском крае.) | Успехи современного естествознания | Статьи |
Потехина Е.С. |
2011 |
Multiperpose Statistics of Value for Scarce Resource of Electromagnetic Spectrum | Proceeding of 2011' Sino-Russian Conference on Information Technology | Доклады |
Исаев М.А. Гряник В.Н. |
2011 |
Modulated C60 monolayers on Si(111)rooot3xroot3-Au reconstructions | Статьи |
Зотов А.В. |
2011 |