Публикационная активность

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Influence of Differences in Natural Resoursces on Development of Import Substatuion Technologies and Productions Green Growth Strategy of SMEs in the New Silk Road Countries: Proceeding of the 8th Int’l Joint Conference Доклады Стукун В.П.
Green Growth Strategy in Corporate Strategy: Stakeholder Approach The 8th Int'l Conference "Green Growth Strategy of SMEs in the New Silk Road Countries" Доклады Солодухин К.С.
Луговой Р.А.
Generation of Magnetic-Field Perturbations in Underwater Explosion Статьи Смагин В.П.
Сёмкин С.В.
Financing of nature protection actions due to use of ecological funds Proceeding (Part 1) of The 8th Int’l Joint Conference «Green Growth Strategy of SMEs» Доклады Корень А.В.
Financing of innovation as a tool for development of ecological capacity of the region Proceeding (Part 1) of the 8-th int Доклады Смольянинова Е.Н.
Бондаренко Т.Н.
Financial Analysis Models Green Growth Strategy of Small and Medium sized Enterprises In the New Silk Road Countries Доклады 2010
Efficiency of the investment project: ecological aspect Green Growth Strategy of SMEs in the New Silk Road Countries Доклады Ослопова М.В.
Efficiency of the investment progect: ecological aspect Green Growth Joint Conference Доклады Ослопова М.В.
Варкулевич Т.В.
Ecological compatibility as the factor of increase of competitiveness of the enterprises of a real sector of economic activity Green Growth Strategy of SMEs in the New Silk Road Countries: Proceeding of the 8th Int’l Joint Conference Доклады Драгилева Л.Ю.
Diffusion and clustering of adatoms on discommensurate surface Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.
Cтатистический анализ и оценка преступности в России, Дальневосточном федеральном округе и Приморском крае Монографии Шульга В.И.
Cooperative phenomena in self-assembled nucleation of 3x4-In/Si(100) Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.
Convergence of Styles in David Dutcher's Novel "Whitelighters for April" as a Means of Intertextuality Tenth International Young Scholars' Forum of Asia-Pacific Region Countries Доклады Леонтьева Т.И.
Biblical Phraseological Units within Cognitive Theory Обучение английскому языку: от глобализации к культурному многообразию Доклады Мясникова С.В.
Axiomatizability of free S-posets Journal of Mathematical Sciences Статьи Степанова А.А.
Первухин М.А.