Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
The role of the university in the citizens’ financial competence improvement in Russia and in countries of the New Silk road Business & Economic Cooperation among the Silk Way Countries: Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference. Доклады Самсонова И.А.
The Role of Geographic Location in the Acquisition Strategies of High-Technology Firms Academy of Management Annual Meeting Доклады Юров К.М.
The Problems that Interfere the Development of Trade and Economic Relations in Fish Industry Business & Economic Cooperation’s among the Silk Road Countries Доклады Ворожбит О.Ю.
The Pharmaceutical Market of the Russian Federation and the Chinese National Republic: Things in Common Business & Economic Co-valuation among the Silk Road Nation Доклады Гарцман Т.Ю.
The morphology and optical properties of Fe, Cr and Mg silicide nanocrystallites buried in silicon by ion implantation, pulsed treatments and Si overgrowth Proceedings of the NANOMEETING-2009: Physics, chemistry and applications of nanostructures Доклады Горошко Д.Л.
The influence of a world financial crisis on consumer crediting in Russia Сб. Материалов 7-ой международной конференции «Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads», Изд-во: Almaty Доклады Смольянинова Е.Н.
The influence financial crisis on consumer crediting in Russia Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads Доклады 2009
The corporation development investment program optimization model considering crisis and post-crisis period risks Logos Management Review Статьи Терентьева Т.В.
Мазелис Л.С.
The corporation development investment program optimization model considering crisis and post-crisis period risks Proceedings of The 7th International Joint Conference, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Bishek, Кyrgrz Republik, 2009, Korean Association of Logos Management (670 p.) Доклады Мазелис Л.С.
The basic tendencies of interaction between educa-tional institutions and busi-ness environment in the con-ditions of economy globalization Сб. Материалов 7-ой международной конференции «Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads», Изд-во: Almaty Доклады Смольянинова Е.Н.
The basic tendecies of interaction between education institutions and business environment in the conditions of economy globalization Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads Доклады 2009
The approach to the model of an international scientific and educational center valuation Business & Economic Cooperation among the Silk Road Countries Доклады Луговой Р.А.
Жилина Л.Н.
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк седьмой. ИИФК ДВГУ: размышления после юбилея. Часть II. Философско-культурологически-теологически-религиоведческая Статьи 2009
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк седьмой. ИИФК ДВГУ: размышления после юбилея. Часть I. Историческая Статьи 2009
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк седьмой. ИИФК ДВГУ: размышления после юбилея. Часть I. Историческая Статьи 2009