Название | Журнал | Вид материала | Авторы | Год издания |
The role of the university in the citizens’ financial competence improvement in Russia and in countries of the New Silk road |
Business & Economic Cooperation among the Silk Way Countries: Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference. |
Доклады |
Самсонова И.А.
2009 |
The Role of Geographic Location in the Acquisition Strategies of High-Technology Firms |
Academy of Management Annual Meeting |
Доклады |
Юров К.М.
2009 |
The Problems that Interfere the Development of Trade and Economic Relations in Fish Industry |
Business & Economic Cooperation’s among the Silk Road Countries |
Доклады |
Ворожбит О.Ю.
2009 |
The Pharmaceutical Market of the Russian Federation and the Chinese National Republic: Things in Common |
Business & Economic Co-valuation among the Silk Road Nation |
Доклады |
Гарцман Т.Ю.
2009 |
The morphology and optical properties of Fe, Cr and Mg silicide nanocrystallites buried in silicon by ion implantation, pulsed treatments and Si overgrowth |
Proceedings of the NANOMEETING-2009: Physics, chemistry and applications of nanostructures |
Доклады |
Горошко Д.Л.
2009 |
The influence of a world financial crisis on consumer crediting in Russia |
Сб. Материалов 7-ой международной конференции «Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads», Изд-во: Almaty |
Доклады |
Смольянинова Е.Н.
2009 |
The influence financial crisis on consumer crediting in Russia |
Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads |
Доклады |
2009 |
The corporation development investment program optimization model considering crisis and post-crisis period risks |
Logos Management Review |
Статьи |
Терентьева Т.В.
Мазелис Л.С.
2009 |
The corporation development investment program optimization model considering crisis and post-crisis period risks |
Proceedings of The 7th International Joint Conference, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Bishek, Кyrgrz Republik, 2009, Korean Association of Logos Management (670 p.) |
Доклады |
Мазелис Л.С.
2009 |
The basic tendencies of interaction between educa-tional institutions and busi-ness environment in the con-ditions of economy globalization |
Сб. Материалов 7-ой международной конференции «Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads», Изд-во: Almaty |
Доклады |
Смольянинова Е.Н.
2009 |
The basic tendecies of interaction between education institutions and business environment in the conditions of economy globalization |
Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads |
Доклады |
2009 |
The approach to the model of an international scientific and educational center valuation |
Business & Economic Cooperation among the Silk Road Countries |
Доклады |
Луговой Р.А.
Жилина Л.Н.
2009 |
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк седьмой. ИИФК ДВГУ: размышления после юбилея. Часть II. Философско-культурологически-теологически-религиоведческая |
Статьи |
2009 |
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк седьмой. ИИФК ДВГУ: размышления после юбилея. Часть I. Историческая |
Статьи |
2009 |
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк седьмой. ИИФК ДВГУ: размышления после юбилея. Часть I. Историческая |
Статьи |
2009 |