Публикационная активность

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The Importance of Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom The 16th International Conference of the Association of North-East Asian Cultures Доклады Богова О.В.
The business and economics top skills staff international faculty multimedia training courses development 2008 Proceedings of The 6th International Joint Conference “Seeking Ways for Bussiness & Economic Cooperation among the Nations along the Silk Roads” Доклады Одинцов Е.Н.
The business and economics top skills staff international faculty multimedia training courses development Seeking Ways for Bussiness & Economic Cooperation among the Nations along the Silk Roads Доклады Черкасова Е.А.
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк шестой. Форпост коллективной памяти общества Статьи 2008
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк шестой. Форпост коллективной памяти общества Статьи 2008
Terra incognita. Хроника жизни научного сообщества тихоокеанской России. Очерк пятый. Паладины ойкумены Статьи 2008
Surface magic clusters on silicon: 10-years anniversary he Eighth Japan-Russia Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces Доклады Зотов А.В.
Surface magic clusters on silicon Proceedings of 16th International Symposium «Nanostructures: Physics and Technology” Доклады Зотов А.В.
Substantiation of directions the improvement of quality and development resource- serving technologies in manufacture of garments Материалы Китайско-российского симпозиума по социальным наукам и технологиям "Progress of complex system & sustainable development" Доклады Шеромова И.А.
Старкова Г.П.
Завзятый В.И.
Study of surface conductivity for Cu/Si(111)’5x5’-Cu system The Eighth Japan-Russia Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces Доклады Зотов А.В.
Structural properties of Cu clusters on Si(111): Cu2Si magic family he Eighth Japan-Russia Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces Доклады Зотов А.В.
Strategic Partnership of Education and Business is the High Competitiveness of Economy and Specialists Seeking Ways for Business & Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads Доклады Ким А.Г.
Si/β-FeSi2/Si heteronanostructures fabricated by ion implantation and Si MBE: growth, structural and luminescence properties Proceedings of Nanostructures: Physics And Technology. 16th International Symposium Доклады Горошко Д.Л.
Self-organization of CrSi2 nanoislands on Si(111) and growth of monocrystalline silicon with buried multilayers of CrSi2 nanocrystallites Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Статьи Горошко Д.Л.
Self-assembly of magic clusters in In/Si(100) system at low In coverage The Eighth Japan-Russia Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces Доклады Зотов А.В.