Публикационная активность. Наука

Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
State Authorities and Legal Informational Marketing in Conditions of Transition to Democratic: The Social and Cultural Aspects International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Мордовцев А.Ю.
Мамычев А.Ю.
State Administration in the Northern Territories and Control over Their Development in Russian Historiography Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Гуманитарные науки Статьи Шестак О.И.
Spatial-economic and Geopolitical Interests of Russia, The USA and China in Central Asia: Competition, Coincidence of Wants and Strategies in a Changing World International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Литвинова С.Ф.
Sorption of cesium ions by nanostructured calcium aluminosilicates Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A Статьи Ярусова С.Б.
Жевтун И.Г.
Гордиенко П.С.
Some methodological sospistication in the difference between the words terror and war Journal of Scientific Research and Development Статьи Коротина О.А.
Кирсанова Л.И.
Socio-economic and Public-power Aspects of the State and Society Relations in Modernizing Russia International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Тимофеева А.А.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Вронская М.В.
Socio‐cultural directions of Russian foreign policy development: Geopolitical and regional aspects Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Статьи Мордовцев А.Ю.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Services and Their Role in the National Economy: Notions Transformation International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Латкин А.П.
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the early stages of epitaxial growth of CoSi2 and CosSi films on Si (111) substrate: Surface and interface analysis Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.
Russian Historiography on the State Administration in the Northern Area Territories and Control over their Development: 300 year long path Terra Sebvs Статьи Шестак О.И.
Research of Structure, Mechanical and Operation Properties of Glass-Metal Composites Труды Института математики и механики УрО РАН Статьи Любимов Е.В.
Rationale for the Use of the Cluster Approach to the Formation of Localities in the Regional Economic System International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Филиппова М.К.
Prospects for the development of cross-border cooperation in tourism between Russia and China Международный магистерский форум Доклады Гомилевская Г.А.
Prognostic Problems of the Public and Power Organization of the Russian Society: Archetypes and Sociocultural Basis of Functioning and Development International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Филиппова М.К.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Principles of profit taxation of banks in Russia and abroad International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues Статьи Кузьмичева И.А.
Корень А.В.
Конвисарова Е.В.
Даниловских Т.Е.
Вокес И.В.