Публикационная активность. Наука

Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
From the history of public charity in Far East (late XIXth-early XXth century) // Bulletin of the Russian State Humanitarian University, - 2016. - N1. - 88-96 рр. Статьи Котляр Н.В.
Freshwater ecology in the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service 3rd International Symposium of Benthological Society of Asia. Vladivostok, Russian Federation Доклады Якименко Л.В.
Иваненко Н.В.
Freeport of Vladivostok as the Competitiveness Increase Tool for Russian Fish Export Social Sciences Статьи Корнейко О.В.
Ворожбит О.Ю.
Free port Vladivostok: mechanism of protection of foreign investors’ rights сборник Харбинского университета коммерции Доклады Пашук Н.Р.
Варкулевич Т.В.
Free Economic Zones in the Far East of Russia: Benefits and Risks for Investors Journal of Scientific Research and Development Статьи Литвинова С.Ф.
Варавенко В.Е.
Features of the Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communications: Resistance to Change International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Тимофеева А.А.
Features of Building Control Systems Sub-Locality in Modern Russia International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Шестопал С.С.
Features meta-competences of primary school-aged children. Third Annual International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education». Web of science. Volume 233 Доклады Чернявская В.С.
Малахова В.Р.
Features meta-competences of primary school-aged children Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Статьи Чернявская В.С.
Малахова В.Р.
Feature of meta-competences in primary school children Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Статьи Чернявская В.С.
Factors and Material Conditions for Space-Intensive Economic Development of Region International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Мамычев А.Ю.
Evolution of Individual’s Intellect as Basis for Forming Intellectual Capital of Organization Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics Статьи Недолужко О.В.
Варкулевич Т.В.
Батурина О.А.
Evaluation of the modernization efficiency in the aerospace production sector International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Статьи Недолужко О.В.
Мирошникова Т.К.
Educational Bank as a Form of Interaction of Higher Education Institution and Business Environment International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Статьи Петрук Г.В.
Корнева Е.В.
Ворожбит О.Ю.
Economic Security and Organizational Culture: Theoretical Approaches and Categorical Relationship International Review of Management and Marketing Статьи Мамычев А.Ю.