Публикационная активность. Наука

Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
Society and the State: the Problem of the State-adjusted History Structurization Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Филиппова М.К.
Мордовцев А.Ю.
Каминская А.С.
Social wellness monitoring in Primorsky Krai under the conditions of economic crisis SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Статьи Мартышенко Н.С.
Гусев Е.Г.
Social Constitutional State as Necessary Institutional form of Legal Freedom Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Тимофеева А.А.
Self-consistent equation in the Ising model of a dilute magnet Russian Physics Journal Статьи Смагин В.П.
Сёмкин С.В.
Self-assembled C60 layers on incommensurate Cu/Si(111)‘pseudo-5 × 5’ surface Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.
SCO’s Energy club: the role of non-governmental mechanism in Chinese-Russian energy cooperation Укрепление торгово-экономического сотрудничества России и Китая, содействие экономическому развитию в Северо-восточной Азии Доклады Голобоков А.С.
Russian intellectuals in hiatory and culture of the south of the far east of russia: unknown namse from the family chronicle Статьи Крыловская И.И.
Russian intellectuals in hiatory and culture of the south of the far east of russia: unknown namse from the family chronicle Статьи Крыловская И.И.
Revisiting the Architectural Message as Socik Communication Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Кирсанова Л.И.
Resettlement of Koreans and their role in development of agriculture of Primorskaya oblast in the latter half of the XIX - the early of the XX century Статьи Царева Н.А.
Replaceable Case of Engine Exhaust Gases Converter International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Статьи Усольцев А.А.
Пермяков В.В.
Каминский Н.С.
Зорин А.В.
Random interaction fields method: Magnetic phase transitions in the thin films. Статьи Дьяченко О.И.
Prognostication of the vector of employees talent development by means of cover letter Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Якимова З.В.
Problems and Prospects of Reforming the Russian Crimial Procedure Legislation Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Довбыш А.В.
Верещагина А.В.
Portrait of the User of New Media on Example of Participants MMORPG "World of WarCraft and LineAge" Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи 2015