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Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
Order as Stable Sociocultural Code of Governmental Organization: Formation History and Modern Interpretations Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Тимофеева А.А.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Вронская М.В.
Optimization models of rolling planning of the project portfolio of the organizations taking into account risk and corporate social responsibility Journal of Applied Economic Sciences Статьи Солодухин К.С.
Мазелис Л.С.
Optimization Models for Sliding Planning an Institution 17th EBES CONFERENCE - VENICE Доклады Солодухин К.С.
Мазелис Л.С.
On the possible application of the method of random exchange interaction fields for studying the magnetic properties of the rocks Статьи Дьяченко О.И.
Nonisothermal Motion of an Elastoviscoplastic Medium through a Pipe under a Changing Pressure Drop Doklady Physics Статьи Панченко Г.Л.
Буренин А.А.
Multi-period model for selection of stakeholder engagement strategies of the company Asian Social Science Статьи Солодухин К.С.
Гресько А.А.
Modification of optical properties of nanocomposites by laser radiation Статьи Номоконова Н.Н.
Modern Dimensions of Jacques Maritains Political and Legal Personalism Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Шестопал С.С.
Астахова Е.В.
Modern Approaches to Consumer Markets Segmenting Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Мартышенко Н.С.
Methodological Approaches to an Assessment of Stability of Universities Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Латкин А.П.
Method of Sample Models of Program Construction in Terms of Petri Nets Статьи Леонтьев Д.В.
Memory is Beneficial for Survival Processing The 21st International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) cum The 11th Biennial International Conference of the China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC): "Culture, Communication, and Hybridity in an Age of Globalization" Доклады Гнездечко О.Н.
Measures Reducing the Number of Accidents in Motor Transport Companies International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Статьи Пресняков В.А.
Каминский Н.С.
Magnetic states and processes of magnetization reversal of one-dimensional arrays of ferromagnetic nanoparticles ASCO-NANOMAT 2015 Доклады Горошко О.А.
Magic C60 islands forming due to moiré interference between islands and substrate Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.