Публикационная активность. Наука

Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
English Language Identity Representation through Conflict Interaction Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Филиппова О.В.
Леонтьева Т.И.
Гнездечко О.Н.
Electronic band structure of a Tl/Sn atomic sandwich on Si(111) Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Статьи Зотов А.В.
Electrochemical Decomposition of Chelate Complex of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid with Cobalt Статьи Ярусова С.Б.
Жевтун И.Г.
Гордиенко П.С.
Electrical conductivity of reconstructed Si(111) surface with sodium-doped C60 layers Applied Physics Letters Статьи Зотов А.В.
Education as Market Product: Identification Problems Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Шестопал С.С.
Астахова Е.В.
Economic Efficiency of Innovative Corrosion Resistant Coating for Sectors of Russian National Economy Procedia Economics and Finance Статьи Мирошникова Т.К.
Economic efficiency of innovative corrosion resistant coating for sectors of Russian national economy Procedia Economics and Finance Доклады Мирошникова Т.К.
Dynamics of the artificially created vacancies in the monomolecular C60 layers Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.
Dynamic fuzzy optimization model for investments distribution in organization 17-th EBES Conference - Venice Доклады Солодухин К.С.
Мазелис Л.С.
Лавренюк К.И.
Direct observation of a gap opening in topological interface states of MnSe/Bi2Se3 heterostructure Applied Physics Letters Статьи Зотов А.В.
Diatom characteristics of the Far East siliceous organogenic deposits Russian Geology and Geophysics Статьи Ярусова С.Б.
Черепанова М.В.
Пушкарь В.С.
Development and Deceleration of Viscoplastic Flow in a Layer Heated by Friction on a Rough Plane Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics Статьи Панченко Г.Л.
Буренин А.А.
Definition of Customs Offences in International Law Статьи Овчинников С.Н.
Corporate Democracy - A Transitional Step from Authoritative Power to Democratic Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Статьи Филиппова М.К.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Каминская А.С.
Contemporary State and Strategic Directions of Developing the Information Environment of the North-Eastern Regions in Russia (With the Kamchatka Region as an Example) Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce Статьи Шестак О.И.
Петрук Г.В.