Публикационная активность
Название | Журнал | Вид материала | Авторы | Год издания |
Size distribution of fullerene surface clusters | Applied Surface Science | Статьи |
Зотов А.В. Грузнев Д.В. |
2014 |
Russian strategy for the Development of Russian Far East Region and Cooperation with Northeast Asian Countries | Seeking the Cooperation and Roles of Northeast Asian Countries for the Activization of Exchanges with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in SIberia and Russian Far East | Доклады |
Латкин А.П. Гриванов Р.И. |
2014 |
Role of ICT in the booking of travel services and tourism products | The Third International Congress on Social Sciences and Humanities | Доклады | 2014 | |
Role of Humic Acids in Morphological Diversity of Maritime Burozems of Primorsky Krai (Russia) | Third International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies and Tenth International Conference daRostim «Humic Substances and Other Biologically Active Compounds in Agriculture» | Доклады |
Пшеничников Б.Ф. |
2014 |
Psychological patterns of professionalization process as becoming a social and professional demand design students | British Journal of Science, Education and Culture | Доклады |
Чернявская В.С. Тунык А.В. |
2014 |
Proceedings of the 1st International AcadOn Value Centered Philosophy of a Higher School Teacher and Making theemic Conference “Science and Education in | Proceedings of the 1st International Academic Conference “Science and Education in | Доклады |
Руденко Л.Л. |
2014 |
Problems of Nomenclature Correlation and Soil Classification in Amur River Basin | Congress Symposium 3: The Progress in Development and Harmonization of Soil Classifications. Proceedings of the 20th WCSS (www.20wcss.org) | Доклады |
Пшеничников Б.Ф. |
2014 |
Personnel potential as resource aspect of social and economic development (Человеческий потенциал как ресурсный аспект социально-экономического развития) | UK Academy of education., London 2014/ № 1. С. 17-22 | Доклады |
Лехтянская Л.В. |
2014 |
On the Modeling of the Shrink Fit Technology | Сибирский журнал индустриальной математики | Статьи |
Дац Е.П. Буренин А.А. |
2014 |
On the contents of the protest connscience in Russia | World Applied Sciences Journal | Статьи |
Коротина О.А. Кирсанова Л.И. |
2014 |
On the Contents of the Protest Conscience in Russia | World Applied Sciences Journal | Статьи |
Коротина О.А. Кирсанова Л.И. |
2014 |
Modern market of quality management. (Современный рынок менеджмента качества | UK Academy of education, London 2014/ № 1. С. 11-16 | Доклады |
Воливок О.А. |
2014 |
Migration - the history phenomenon of Koryo Saram | Collections of papers from International young scientists conference | Доклады |
Инкижекова М.С. |
2014 |
Mean-field theory as applied to the Ising model with mobile impurities and to the three-state Potts model | Physics of the Solid State | Статьи |
Смагин В.П. Сёмкин С.В. |
2014 |
Main directions of the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. (Основные рекомендации анализа финансового состояния рынка) | UK Academy of education., London 2014/ № 1. С. 17-22 | Доклады |
Воливок О.А. |
2014 |