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Публикационная активность

НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
Size distribution of fullerene surface clusters Applied Surface Science Статьи Зотов А.В.
Грузнев Д.В.
Russian strategy for the Development of Russian Far East Region and Cooperation with Northeast Asian Countries Seeking the Cooperation and Roles of Northeast Asian Countries for the Activization of Exchanges with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in SIberia and Russian Far East Доклады Латкин А.П.
Гриванов Р.И.
Role of ICT in the booking of travel services and tourism products The Third International Congress on Social Sciences and Humanities Доклады 2014
Role of Humic Acids in Morphological Diversity of Maritime Burozems of Primorsky Krai (Russia) Third International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies and Tenth International Conference daRostim «Humic Substances and Other Biologically Active Compounds in Agriculture» Доклады Пшеничников Б.Ф.
Psychological patterns of professionalization process as becoming a social and professional demand design students British Journal of Science, Education and Culture Доклады Чернявская В.С.
Тунык А.В.
Proceedings of the 1st International AcadOn Value Centered Philosophy of a Higher School Teacher and Making theemic Conference “Science and Education in Proceedings of the 1st International Academic Conference “Science and Education in Доклады Руденко Л.Л.
Problems of Nomenclature Correlation and Soil Classification in Amur River Basin Congress Symposium 3: The Progress in Development and Harmonization of Soil Classifications. Proceedings of the 20th WCSS ( Доклады Пшеничников Б.Ф.
Personnel potential as resource aspect of social and economic development (Человеческий потенциал как ресурсный аспект социально-экономического развития) UK Academy of education., London 2014/ № 1. С. 17-22 Доклады Лехтянская Л.В.
On the Modeling of the Shrink Fit Technology Сибирский журнал индустриальной математики Статьи Дац Е.П.
Буренин А.А.
On the contents of the protest connscience in Russia World Applied Sciences Journal Статьи Коротина О.А.
Кирсанова Л.И.
On the Contents of the Protest Conscience in Russia World Applied Sciences Journal Статьи Коротина О.А.
Кирсанова Л.И.
Modern market of quality management. (Современный рынок менеджмента качества UK Academy of education, London 2014/ № 1. С. 11-16 Доклады Воливок О.А.
Migration - the history phenomenon of Koryo Saram Collections of papers from International young scientists conference Доклады Инкижекова М.С.
Mean-field theory as applied to the Ising model with mobile impurities and to the three-state Potts model Physics of the Solid State Статьи Смагин В.П.
Сёмкин С.В.
Main directions of the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. (Основные рекомендации анализа финансового состояния рынка) UK Academy of education., London 2014/ № 1. С. 17-22 Доклады Воливок О.А.