
  • Petruk G.V.

    Petruk G.V. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


On November 16-19, 2020, Vladivostok state University of Economics and service hosted the II far Eastern international forum "Robots claim their rights: paradigmatic socio-economic and political-legal changes in the age of digitalization and long-term viral pandemics" within the framework of the grant of the Russian Foundation for basic research for scientific events, project No. 20-011-22065.

Scientists discussed the interaction of digital and pandemic trends in modern public organization, considered them as "equivalent" and mutually influencing trends that change the socio-economic and political-legal reality. The scientific dialogue made it possible to collectively develop research directions, discuss a research vocabulary that helps to conceptualize and adequately describe, on the one hand, the interaction and mutual influence of the above-mentioned trends; on the other, the radical changes taking place in society. In theoretical and practical terms, the forum provided an opportunity to form predictive models and scenarios for joint development, to determine the nature and direction of the impact of digital and pandemic factors on social processes.