Requirements to Research Articles Layout

Research articles in the “The Теrritory of New Opportunities. The Herald of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service” academic journal are free-issued.

Research scope of the articles published in the journal responds to the research areas represented in State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (SRSТI):

  • 05.00.00 Technical Science
  • 08.00.00 Economic Sciences
  • 12.00.00 State and Law. Science of Law
  • 23.00.00 Political Sciences
  • 24.00.01 Тheory and History of Culture

With a paper submitted to the “The Теrritory of New Opportunities. The Herald of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service”, the editorial staff can be viewed as assigning to it the benefit of the right to publication. The authors are strongly recommended to fill in the licence agreement and author(s) consent for their paper to be published.

In one and the same issue it is not more than two papers (by the author) that are allowed for publication, including those co-authored.

The computer-based manuscript must be sent to e-mail: The file name transliterated in Roman script should match the author’s surname (e.g., ivanov.doc/Ivanov.docx).

The hardcopy of the article is required to be submitted to the editorial staff. Postal address: 690014, Gogol Str., 41, Room 1341, Vladivostok, Primorsky Region, Russia.

Basic Requirements

The hardcopy and soft copy intended for publication must be identical and involve the evidence given:

  • topical section of the article;
  • Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) code;
  • the paper title (in Russian and English);
  • surname, name and second name (if any) of the authors (in Russian and English);
  • full name of the establishment / higher education – work place/studies of the author(s) in Common Case, the country, city (in both Russian and English). Providing that all the authors work in a single establishment, it’s not mandatory for each of them to identify his/her work place;
  • the establishment department (at your option) (both in Russian and English);
  • job position, scientific degree and any extra information relating to the authors (both in Russian and English);
  • e-mail address for every author;
  • actual postal address and telephone contact;
  • abstracts both in Russian and English (up to 200-250 words);
  • key words and word combinations (not more than 12 both in Russian and English);
  • Literature cited is commonly organized as a numbered list of the bibliographic references at the end of the article (up to 25). First, there appear to come Russian-speaking resources listed alphabetically and followed by the authentic ones. In the text corpus in square brackets indicated is the reference number of the list. The list has to be organized in strict accordance with the National State Standard 7.0.5–2008. The bibliographic General requirements and drafting rules.

Filling in all the above mentioned items appear to be mandatory for an article publication in the academic journal. 

Rhetorical structure of research paper abstract

Abstracts (200-230 words) serve to be a short version of the paper providing the most important information оf the full text by the helping the potential audience to decide whether to read the whole article or not.

Rhetorical structure of research paper abstracts states current knowledge in the field of expertise or a research problem; presents the research (by indicating its objective, special purpose or specificities); describes its methodology and summarizes the results (by drawing conclusions and/or giving practical implications and recommendations).

The abstracts serve to be the reference after the paper has been read. It is commonly used in electronic storage, search engines, and retrieval systems intended for documents sharing by on-line information services.

Textual and linguistic specificities of the journal abstract:

  • informative; represented by a single paragraph; doesn’t admit of any common words:
  • authentic; contains 4-8 fullfledged sentences;
  • logically structured (typically written relating to the following sections – ‘background’, objectives’, or: ‘purposes’, ‘method’, ‘results’ and ‘conclusions’. Sometimes the composition of the paper varies a little);
  • tends to avoid using first person sg and impersonal active constructions;
  • rarely used are negative sentences;
  • avoids using acronyms, abbreviations, and symbols (unless they are defined in the abstract itself):
  • does not cite by number or refer by number to anything from the paper.

The journal abstract represents the following research moves:

  • research territory establishing by outlining the purposes or nature of the research given, its subject and objective;
  • justifying a particular research (by indicating limitations or omissions in the previous research and showing that establishing a niche in the previous research area is important, interesting, problematic, or relevant in some way);
  • announcing principal findings and the methodology (methods and techniques) of results obtained;
  • summarizing the paper (interpreting and commenting on the most important findings, relating them to the previous research evidence);
  • highlighting the outcome of the paper by indicating the most important results or their feasible applications and implications (theoretical or practical).

It is typical for the Results section to present the main data that support (or reject) the hypotheses in the framework of tables , charts and graphs. Indeed, it is quite common to find that the first sentence of the Results section begins with ‘Table 1 shows that…’. Conclusions may be specified by practical implications, evaluations, hypotheses described in the paper.

The evidence given in the title shouldn’t be shown up again in the paper abstract. The writers should avoid redundant parenthetical words and expressions (e.g., “The author claims…”, “The paper reports/considers…”).

In the journal abstract one should avoid using physically prolonged and complicated syntactical constructions typical of technical and scientific prose styles.

Rhetorical structure of a research paper reflects the scientific prose style specificities. Its compositional and structural building should indicate sense-bearing markers of its subdivisions:

  • Introduction (scientific novelty, target setting, a scientific hypothesis, research purpose, or objectives);
  • the subject of the research, written data sources, inconsistencies of the investigations existed and the author’s concept;
  • research methods, methodological principals and techniques of investigation;
  • the body of investigation, appealing to opponents views, assumptions of the research and its significance description. Experimental procedure, interpretation, observational generalization and tentative explanation of the results obtained; comparison of theories, doctrines, interpretation of the regulatory procedures in force, etc.
  • Conclusions and scientific novelty. A research paper serves to be a response to the challenges set forth by the introduction, suggesting definite inferences, recommendations, theoretical or practical implications with regard to the research development, amendments reflecting scientific and practical value, the urgency of the results obtained that call for further research and the like.
  • Literature cited comprises references used in proper paper segments. Here belong experimental investigations, statistical material, empirical evidence and analytics, archival data and regulatory sources. In the References section citations are represented by peer-reviewed sources listed in alphabetical order.

Not encouraged is the author’s contribution to an indirect debate with the writers of the textbooks, teaching manuals or dictionaries that are unlikely to extensively state their scientific views. It’s treatises and thesis researches that constitute an excellent launch pad for an indirect scientific debate.

The research paper shouldn’t be extended with citations drawn from newspapers, popular journals, Internet-sites, notelinks to TV comments. Allowable here are references to the Internet sources that must be properly presented.

The editorial board proves to reject papers that remind of abstracts or summary. Writers should not only give some insight into the subject researched, but first and foremost highlight its certain academic novelty.

Not accepted by the editorial board is featured content of thesis researches, books, treatises, and research papers printed before by other publishers.

In case the article is simultaneously sent to other publications, the author must inform the editorial board beforehand. Having not done it in time, the authors hazard their reputation: research papers are likely not to be accepted for publication.

Text Presentation

  • Тhe text of the article (ranging from 12 up to 20 тысяч typographical units) must be saved in DOC/DOCX or RTF formatting (TimesNewRoman font, 12 body-size, single line-spacing, set-back – 1,25 сm, page-margins: top and foot margins – 2 сm, правое – 1,5 сm, left margin – 3 сm, portrait orientation).
  • Drawings in JPEG format and charts are represented both in separate files and the paper body. All the drawings and pictures must be paged and captioned with the drawings elements explained. Drawings and charts are published on the journal pages in black-and-white halftones.
  • Тables, graphs and work sheets must be paged and headed. Below each graph or table in footnotes indicated should be the source of data represented in t.
  • Formulae (paged on the right in round brackets) are completed by the “Formulae editor’ embedded. It is desirable that formulae should be presented either in JPEG or in EPS format.
    Whereas soft copies of the papers are processed by programs for special purposes used by on-line information services, the mathematical characters, symbols, formulae with superior and inferior letters, Greek letters in the journal sub-headings, abstracts and key words are apt to loss. 
    Writers are strongly requested to avoid using such characters in the publication segments indicated!
  • The paper should be paged and free from line breaks, headers and footers.