Standards of Submitting and Reviewing
The editorial board resolution taken in November, 22nd, 2016
General Assumptions
1.1 These regulations define the procedure of articles submitting, reviewing and publishing in “The Теrritory of New Opportunities. The Herald of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service” (henceforward – the journal) edited by State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Training “Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VSUES)”
1.2. The purpose of the regulations given is to provide high quality papers published in the journal.
1.3. The regulations have been set forth pursuant to the Order of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 25.07.2014 №297 “Concerning approval of regulations with notice based on peer-reviewed scientific publications listing wherein there must be stated basic PhD dissertation findings, those of a thesis for a Doctor’s degree by speciality, and requirements to the peer-reviewed scientific publications for shortlisting. The latter should represent the evidence of a thesis for a Doctor’s degree”.
Procedure of Paper Submitting
2.1. Allowed for publication are the papers having the attributes of scientific novelty, urgency of the results, practical value that respond to the journal requirements with regard to research papers content and a comprehensive layout. Not acceptable are research papers with extremist connotation discharging partisan, misguided assessments of other scientific papers including those posing threats to humans or animals.
2.2. The editorial staff doesn’t accept more than two articles of the same author per saltum. Within one issue of the journal there might be published not more than two articles of the same author, including co-authored papers.
2.3. The paper is required to be sent to the editorial staff via e-mail: In the covering letter indicated is the author’s actual e-mail and telephone contact.
2.4. The paper submitted is examined to state whether it responds to the profile and remit of the journal. The articles that do not meet the requirements to the layout and plagiarism amount could be rejected. The editorial staff informs the author about their refusal via e-mail within 7 days net on the paper receiving.
2.5. All research articles currently received are reviewed to be checked for plagiarism. In case there are grounds for more detailed check, some extra tools may be applied to search for plagiarism. Minimal originality standard of the paper proves to be not less than 70% of overall article volume. Providing the paper doesn’t meet the requirements, editorial board sends the refusal from publishing with the check-up results attached.
2.6. Not encouraged is publication of the paper whose content reflects the author’s academic pursuits (dissertation, abstracts, scientific treatise). Decision for articles publication (with the availability of the positive reviews required) is made by the editorial board.
2.7. The terms of articles submission to the coming issue of the journal are as follows: No 1 – up to March, 1 of the current year, No 2 – up to June, 1; No 3 – up to September, 1; No 4 – up to November, 15. Papers received later than dates indicated might be published in the subsequent release.
2.8. Submitting their paper to the editorial board, the authors assign it the benefit of the rights to paper publication and putting its soft copy on the Web. The paper can be accessible from anywhere in the world, the copyright reserved.
3.1. All the research articles responding to the remit of the journal undergo detached reviewing that allows for expert assessment. Reviewing provides high quality scientific expertise used for significant and novel data reduction.
3.2. Reviewers prove to be well-known authorities on the subject of the article reviewed and have publications on the remit of the paper for the last three years.
3.3. When required the editorial board may apply for independent leading experts in the field.
3.4. Reviewing turns out to be private. The evidence about the reviewers is stored in the editorial office of the journal and is not accessible to the authors.
3.5. Terms of prepublication reviewing are set by the editorial staff with regard to rapid paper issue, not less than 7, not more than 14 calendar days.
3.6. The review on the paper reflects its basic features:
- Sufficiency of the research corpus
- Validity of the results obtained
- Conclusions relevance to the purposes of research
- Shortcomings found
- Mandatory (recommended) amendments required before publication
3.7. Review-based paper could be:
- Dismissed. The editorial staff sends the author a justified rejection or review copy with experts identification data withheld.
- Sent for acquisition. The paper manuscript with the expert and editor notes. To be published in the coming journal issue the paper proofread must be sent back to the editorial board not later than in 7 days on the article receiving. The paper justified according to the expert’s recommendations is sent for iterated reviewing to the same expert. The date of receiving is that of the amended article submitting to the editorial board.
- Recommended for publication.
3.8. On grounds of the review the editorial staff sends the author(s) an e-mail about the decision they have made relating to the paper publication. In case the article is dismissed or recommended to be further developed, the editorial staff sends the author the review copy (withholding the reviewer’s data), or extract from a review containing notes and recommendations relating to further development or a justified rejection.
3.9. Should the author disagree with a reviewer opinion, the former may give a written evidence-based feedback to the editorial board. It is the editor-in-charge who decides whether to send the arguable paper to another expert.
3.10. Reviews are stored at the editorial review board not less than for five years. Review copies might be sent to Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation providing there a letter of inquiry received by the editorial board.
Paper Publication
4.1. The editorial board announces the papers recommended for publishing and informs the authors about the coming journal issue structuring. Authors send color scanned copies of the original signed consent for publication (a notelink to the pattern file) to the editorial staff.
4.2. The running issue of the journal includes papers with laudatory review and author’s consent for publication before the issue layout completed (in accord with the schedule). The privilege of publication gain the papers performed in the framework of the public grant.
4.3. The article can be enqueued in case the papers recommended for publishing are above and beyond the appropriate milestone. The author is informed via e-mail about the expected terms of publication. By author request the editorial board can issue a certificate testifying that the article has been accepted to publication and will be put into a coming journal issue.
4.4. Papers recommended for publication undergo the editorial processing – desktop publishing and literary (where appropriate) editing, not misrepresenting the article, and proofreading. The paper layout composed and formatted (in pdf) for publication is sent to the authors for approval.
4.5. After the journal circulation the author (or: the co-author) whose paper has been recommended for publishing, is given the author’s copy on demand.
4.6. For five working days that the current issue has been out of print, the editorial board posts articles on the website and informs the authors about it
4.7. For ten working days that the current issue has been out of print, the editorial board sends all the papers to the electronic library system −“Scientific e-library” и “Cyberleninka”. With regard to the terms of the articles posting to the electronic library systems the editorial board disclaims all liability relating thereto.